The Hired Gun (MBA Admissions)

The Hired Gun (MBA Admissions)


We realize some of you are probably only in this for the transactional value, and while that is not our preference (we’d rather not be proverbial one-night stands), we do excel at providing career and MBA admissions advice in rapid-fire mode. Ask us any questions you want within a 30-minute phone call window, and we will answer them. The first call is $150 (we can’t give away the store here), and subsequent time is billed at $350 an hour. If you’re unsure of the value of our service, this can be a good route to take.

It is worth pointing out that we try to be extremely efficient with hourly billed time. The typical resume can be reviewed by us in one pass and be in decent shape after that. If you want us to jump right into resume review without an initial call, we charge a flat fee of $400 for a first-pass of a resume (+ hour call to discuss), then $350 an hour for time spent after that.

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