Building deep, lasting relationships with our clients is our primary goal. We don’t take VC funding. We aren’t trying to rapidly expand services at our clients’ expense. Cutting out middlemen allows us to compensate our Partners fairly. That’s why our rates are the lowest in the industry and still of the highest quality. Our Partners love working for us, and you’ll love working with them.

Learn more about our team below. If our client list is full, we will transparently tell you and refer you to another firm our Partners believe in.

our Partners

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Hon is a career coach who moonlights as an event production professional and job research hustler. He began his professional career at The University of Texas at Austin in the College of Liberal Arts, followed by a stint with the College of Natural Sciences Career Services Team, where he oversaw recruiting and training volunteers for the Technology and Science Career Fair, UT-Austin’s largest annual career event that features 200+ employers. A firm believer in following up on personal passions, he has spent every waking hour outside career coaching actively giving back to the Austin community as an event production expert for ACL Music Fest (4 years), SXSW (9 years), University Wide Commencements, ExploreUT, and the ever-popular Austin Trail of Lights.

Hon spent 4+ years coaching Texas MBA students to seek their dream careers as part of the #1 ranked MBA Career Management Team in the US by strategically planning and executing tailored job search strategies and has helped clients land dream jobs at Dell, Microsoft, Google, Amazon, Adobe, and hundreds of other top companies and has a particular passion for careers in social impact, as well as researching the 21st-century workplace. When he isn’t coaching, he makes regular appearances on social media sites like Buzzfeed, where he was recently featured as Captain Honsolo for his work with Austin’s Sunset Bat Cruise.

In early 2023, Hon joined SXSW’s event production team, and currently works in ops producing this iconic Austin-based, city-wide conference.

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Scott is a career coach who spends his nights writing award-winning poetry and daydreaming about the latest developments in blockchain and the Internet of Value, as well as where to find the best queso and pizza in Austin. He is a proud UT-Austin grad (English) and also earned degrees from UNC (Library Science) and NYU (Poetry). He’s spent the past ten years supporting the career development of clients as a Career Coach for UT-Austin’s #1 ranked MBA Career Management Team and a Senior Admissions Counselor and Admissions Committee Member at Wharton, where he co-managed the world's #1 executive talent pipeline and wrote one of the application essay questions still in use today. His expertise advising and selecting hundreds of executives led him to Stacy Blackman Consulting, where he helped mid-career clients build their professional brands and gain acceptance to top full-time MBA programs like Wharton, Harvard, Kellogg, Booth, Columbia, Cornell, and Duke. 90% of them matriculated to their dream schools.

He currently blends his passions for teaching, recruiting, and talent development as an enterprise account manager at Forté Foundation, where he helped launch the Rise Leadership Development Program for mid-career women and partners with companies like Bose, Pegasystems, Greystar, Whirlpool, and Hines to maximize their Forté partnerships. Scott’s background as a career coach, brand builder, writing coach, talent identifier, and admissions / recruiting expert goes back nearly a decade. Blockchain product management? A Harvard, Wharton, or other top-ten MBA? That dream role as a tech marketer in the Bay with a hip company whose name is hard to pronounce? You name it . . . he’s successfully helped clients realize it.

have a question? Want to connect?

We’re always happy to learn more about your career goals and challenges. Drop us a line if you’d like. If we don’t provide a Networth relationship that can satisfactorily answer your question, we’ll transparently let you know.