Below you’ll find descriptions of all the Career Relationships we offer. Not sure which relationship fits your needs? Get in touch.

Resume / Cover Letter Magic

Looking for tactical feedback on your resume or cover letter for a job application? No problem. We will make an initial pass of your resume or a single cover letter for $400 + an hour call to discuss our feedback to demonstrate our value. After that, work is billed at $350 an hour. Note: limit one $400 resume review + call or one $400 cover letter review + call per client. Think of it as a test-run of the services we provide.

the mid-life crisis

You're a back-office engineer but dream of accelerating your career in the front-office as a strategic thinker and leader of complex teams and projects. There are “I want to work for Google” stars in your eyes, but you don’t know where to begin your career journey. All of your friends have MBAs, and you’re trying to decide if the ROI is appropriate for your career goals. We’ve got you covered.

Our flat rate of $300 gives you an hour of time with one of our Networth Partners to discuss your most pressing questions. We don’t review resumes or other documents in this call. Instead, we focus on you as a person . . . where you’ve been and where you’re going. The goal of the call? Turn that feeling of crisis into coherent, tangible action.

Talk the Talk (Mock Interview Prep)

Have a big interview coming up with a dream company? This relationship gives you a 30-minute prep session with us to strategize and make sure you’re doing the research necessary to stand out from other applicants. Conducting the right prep is often the difference between being a successful, persuasive interviewee and not moving on to round two of the interview process. Your first session is $250, and subsequent time is billed at $350 an hour for additional interview prep.

Playing for Keeps

Career coaching is often a process that takes time, and if you value a deeper relationship with your career coach and the insights and clarity a more enduring interaction can bring, this is the option for you. You get 3 hour-long sessions with one of our Networth Partners for a total of $1000. In these, we will identify your pain points, provide tangible goals, and establish a baseline of accountability. We believe that at the end of this relationship, you won’t need another career coach ever again. We’re here if you need us. But you probably won’t. (Seriously. That’s how good we are at coaching).

Amazon interview prep

Is Amazon one of your primary job search targets? We’ve got you covered. Hon, our resident Amazon interview expert, has conducted hundreds of Amazon mock interviews and helped dozens of Amazonians-in-training land their dream roles there. Check out his Interview Prep Guide ($20), as well as his more comprehensive Interview Prep Toolkit ($150), which includes audio walkthroughs of the interview process from Hon, a comprehensive Amazon interview question list, an interview answer framework, notes from a Bar Raiser, and the Interview Prep Guide all bundled together.

The Hired Gun (Career & mba admissions)

Ask us any questions you want within a 30-minute phone call window, and we will answer them. The first call is $150, and subsequent time is billed at $350 an hour. If you’re unsure of the value of our service, this can be a good route to take.

It is worth pointing out that we try to be extremely efficient with hourly billed time. The typical resume can be reviewed by us in one pass and be in decent shape after that. If you want us to jump right into resume review without an initial call, we charge a flat fee of $400 for a first-pass of a resume, then $350 an hour for time spent after that.
